Nicky’s Blog

Thoughts on how colour touches your soul

Nicky’s blog topics

In my blog, I’ll combine all the sources that inspire me, that bring gratitude for life’s blessings and comfort in life’s challenges. These inspirations will include:

  • The joy of nature and the seasons
  • The power of the Colour Mirrors bottles and spritzers
  • Insights from astrology and numerology
  • Readings from my oracle cards
  • Book quotes and song lyrics that inspire
  • And what my intuition brings on the day

The power of colour

nicky set up with tables of colour bottles

Colour impacts us in many ways. You’ll have read about colour psychology on the internet and know the meanings of some colours in our culture. There may be 1 or 2 colours that you love, wear and surround yourself with. Or equally there may be colours that you detest and there is much to learn about your experiences and self when this happens.

In my blog I’ll also explore the impact of colour on your body and on your soul. It makes for fascinating reading.

If you’re intrigued by a particular colour and would like to know more about it, then do get in touch and your question could spark my next blog!

woodland with colour haze and stars


What does it mean to you? These past three years have given us an opportunity to look at what freedom means for us. And for ...
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Raise your vibe with colour

blue colour mirrors bottles close up

Tap into the healing power of colour, by signing up for my newsletter, which arrives every 4 to 6 weeks, with the occasional update in-between.

You’ll get insights on the uplifting energies of colour, together with a dash of astrology and numerology, to help raise your frequency and vibration, especially when coping with loss, sorrow and ongoing grief.

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