Discover soul healing
with colour
Navigate your healing journey through grief
Raise your frequency and feel joy again
Regain your sense of self and identity
As a woman in midlife, you may be
Living with the impact of loss, heartbreak, and grief

When you’re on this journey, which is not by choice, you’ll join a forever membership of loss and grief that arrives in several ways:
- With the decline and eventual loss, through death, of a loved one, or pet
- The loss of a close relationship through divorce or moving away
- ‘Empty nest syndrome’ when your parental caring role is unfulfilled
- Taking on new caring responsibilities for aging parents – with the unforeseen loss of ‘self’ and freedom
- Retirement and loss of a significant role and identity
Or feeling stressed, blocked, and unappreciated

If you aren’t experiencing loss, you may be feeling a sense of dissatisfaction or yearning for something more in life, for example, you may want to:
- Explore more about yourself and your inner journey
- Nurture and support your growing self-awareness
- Unlock feelings of stress, blocks and feeling unappreciated
- Learn about new modalities and deepen your self-knowledge
- Expand your spiritual awareness
Colour therapy can help

If you’re experiencing one or more of these life events, you may feel very alone, lonely and uncertain about how to move forward.
You may feel off balance, with your emotions all over the place or your feelings are suppressed and stuffed down into your body.
If you’re feeling any of these emotions, or feeling lost, empty, and adrift in a slow-motion rhythm of survival, then colour therapy can help you feel nurtured, strong, and thriving joyfully!
Or, if you want to discover more about colour therapy and my colour packages, click below to book your free 20 minutes chat.
I understand that your journey is unique
It may be messy, emotional, complicated, lonely, perhaps frightening, and sometimes unbearable to live through. You could lose your sense of self-worth, your role, connection with others, self-respect, being valued, and more.
This is why I focus on helping you to:
- Navigate your healing journey through living with the impact of loss, heartbreak, and grief.
- Raise your vibration and feel joy again.
- Regain your sense of self and identity.
I’ve learned that the second year of loss and onwards can be much harder to navigate than the first year, when your circle of support is available. Because once you’ve ‘survived’ the first year, people generally feel that you’re okay and this is exactly when you can feel abandoned!
I’m Nicky - your guide for your healing journey

I’m a colour practitioner working with the powerful healing system called Colour Mirrors. Whether you are simply curious or would like some help with your grieving or experience of loss, you’ll find that colour is a very gentle, yet powerful way of gaining a clear picture of the whole of you and your soul – mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
I’ll use the healing and uplifting power of colour, interwoven with a dash of numerology, astrology and my intuitive skills, and roots in nature to help you to:
- Find solace and space to grieve in your own way.
- Nurture yourself and allow emotions and feelings that show up, to shift, heal and release from your body.
- Raise your vibrational energies – from grief to joy.
You’ll explore more about yourself and your inner journey and rediscover yourself – from feeling stressed, blocked, and unappreciated to feeling nurtured, strong, and thriving joyfully!
Ways to work with me

Introduction to Colour Therapy
- Individual 121 sessions of 60 minutes
- We’ll look at what is going on for you and open up the opportunity of healing and moving forward
- Online or in person

Colour Therapy Packages
- Choose from a series of 3 x 121 sessions of 60 minutes each
- We’ll continue with the inner work and go deeper into what is going on for you
- Online or in person

Deep Colour Healing Journey
- 6 x individual 121 sessions of 60 minutes
- For when you need a deep healing journey
- Online and in person

Spirit of the Season Workshops
- For small groups
- Incorporating colour healing, with a dash of numerology, astrology, and intuition
- To raise our vibration and spark joy
- Online
The session cleared so much grief and pain
“Thank you so much for a very deep and enlightening session that cleared so much grief and pain that had been hidden for a long time. You truly are amazing with your gifts and knowledge. I felt comfortable and safe opening up to you as you gently asked questions and guided me through being able to understand and release what was embedded and stopping me from moving forward. Thank you Nicky.”
Liz C
How to start your colour journey
You could start with a one hour colour reading
or we can discuss a package of in-depth ongoing sessions
Step 1
Let’s chat
Step 2
Choose your colour therapy package
Step 3
Raise your frequency with colour
Experience the solace, nurturing and joy of colour therapy with Nicky Batt
When you work with me, I’ll help you shift your pain and move towards feeling more peaceful and joyful. You’ll gain a deeper connection with self and soul and feel more empowered in how you navigate your life with ease and grace. And I know that you’ll love exploring your connection with colour.