Work With Nicky

Raise your vibrational energies

Expand your connection with colour

Achieve deeper connection with self and soul

Elevate your frequency

How colour therapy can help you

midlife woman looking out window

I help midlife women who are living with the impact of loss, heartbreak, and grief or who are feeling stressed, blocked, and unappreciated.

When you’re on this pathway, which is not by choice, it can be difficult to find a way forward. This is when the powerful colour healing system I use, called Colour Mirrors, can help.

You may experience loss in different ways, yet all of them feel devastating.

sadder midlife woman looking out window

These are just a few of the situations that clients have spoken to me about:

  • The decline and eventual loss, through death, of your loved one, or pet
  • The loss of a close relationship through divorce or moving away
  • ‘Empty nest syndrome’ when your parental caring role is unfulfilled
  • Taking on new caring responsibilities for aging parents – with the unforeseen loss of your ‘self’ and your freedom
  • Retirement and loss of your significant role and sense of identity

If any of these circumstances touch a chord with you, then colour therapy could help with your grieving, loss or curiosity because it is a very gentle, yet powerful way of getting a clear picture of who you really are from your soul – mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

"You don’t just lose someone once, you lose them every day, for a lifetime."

Donna Ashworth

How colour therapy using the Colour Mirrors system works

rows of colour mirrors bottles

Colour reflects who you are inside and gently nudges this to the surface so that we can look at what is going on in your thoughts and emotions and where you are holding this energy in your body.

When we work together, you’ll discover how each colour choice you make is a mirror which reveals your programmes and patterns – your inner wounds – that are running in the background and controlling your life.

Colour can gently shift and release these programmes and patterns so that you can feel more empowered and create the intention to change.

What is key in the way that I work with you is that YOU choose the bottles you feel drawn to and therefore you choose the healing you need at that time. The intention of every Colour Mirrors bottle is to offer you healing and peace. Discover more about Colour Mirrors here (link to About Colour Therapy page).

When you choose to work with me and the healing power of Colour Mirrors we can help you:

  • Explore more about yourself and your inner journey
  • Nurture and support your growing self-awareness
  • Unlock feelings of stress, blocks and feeling unappreciated
  • Deepen your self-knowledge and
  • Expand your spiritual awareness

"Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your home, so that new joy can find space to enter."


Ways to work with Nicky

Explore Aspects of Joy or Emotional Wellbeing through Colour

blue and lilac colour bottles with heart

One Hour Colour Reading

  • Individual 121 sessions of 60 minutes
  • We’ll look at what is going on for you and open up the opportunity of healing and moving forward
  • Online or in person

£135 for one session only. You can buy your choice of bottle or essences afterwards.

different colour liquid bottles

Colour Therapy Packages

  • Choose from a series of 3 x 121 sessions of 60 minutes each
  • We’ll continue with the inner work and go deeper into what is going on for you
  • Online or in person

£495 which includes one bottle or essence of your choice. You can also buy additional bottles after the sessions.
Pay in 2 instalments of £252 each.

circle colour bottles with healing stone

Deep Colour Healing Journey

  • 6 x individual 121 sessions of 60 minutes
  • For when you need a deep healing journey
  • Online

£945 which includes two bottles or essences of your choice. You can also buy additional bottles afterwards.
Pay in 3 instalments of £324 each.

autumn colour mirror bottles

Spirit of the Season workshops

  • For small groups
  • Incorporating colour healing, with a dash of numerology, astrology, and intuition
  • To raise your vibration and spark joy
  • Online

You can also buy bottles or essences after the workshops.

Helped me lead a more inspired and empowered life

“Amazing how colour therapy works by tapping into your subconscious bringing to the surface that which is blocking you from being your best you. I have had several readings with Nicky that have really helped me lead both a more inspired and empowered life. If your goal is to personally evolve, a colour reading will help you do just that.”

Jennifer from the Seeker’s Lamppost

The benefits of colour healing

nicky batt with colour bottles
nicky batt with colour bottles

When you work with me, you’ll:

  • Have the support and sustenance you need to work through your personal loss or challenges
  • Rediscover your essential essence and sense of self
  • Reconnect with your vitality for life and with your close relationships
  • Experience and sustain your joyful state of being

If you’d like to discover how colour can help you heal

How to start your colour journey

Start with a one hour colour therapy reading
or we can discuss a package of in-depth ongoing sessions

Step 1

Let’s chat

Step 2

Choose your colour therapy package

Step 3

Raise your frequency with colour

Raise your vibe with colour

blue colour mirrors bottles close up

Tap into the healing power of colour, by signing up for my newsletter, which arrives every 4 to 6 weeks, with the occasional update in-between.

You’ll get insights on the uplifting energies of colour, together with a dash of astrology and numerology, to help raise your frequency and vibration, especially when coping with loss, sorrow and ongoing grief.

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