About Colour Therapy

and how it works

Trust in yourself

Rebalance your emotions

Restore your wellbeing

Colour therapy is so powerful

Because Colour mirrors YOU!

Colour has been used as a therapeutic tool for centuries and Colour Mirrors is a unique healing system that uses colour to reveal the ultimate mirror.

We all have a physiological response to colour:

  • Your energy responds on all levels – mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
  • Colour can balance your emotions and restore wellbeing.

The Colour Mirrors system

colour mirrors system colour bottles
colour mirrors system colour bottles

I work with the Colour Mirrors healing system that takes the energies of light and uses them to deep dive into your cells, to connect with and draw out old thoughts and memories that are distorting your reality. You no longer need this old unreliable information and so colour can help you to let it go and create new, more empowering and relevant pathways.

In a colour session or reading with me, you’ll get to see a very clear picture of who you really are from soul. Each of your colour choices is a mirror of you, revealing your deeply buried inner wounds, trauma, programmes, and patterns running in the background (your subconscious), which are controlling your life.

The subtle, yet powerful energy of colour travels deeply to your core and brings the unconscious into your awareness so that you can change perspective on ‘the story’:

  • You’ll shift the energy
  • And release it from your body
  • Then you are in an empowered place to make long-lasting change

Colour also helps you see your greatness and potential. It mirrors who you are inside and gently nudges this out into your life so that you are able to trust yourself and stride forward with courage and confidence. How exciting is that?

"I hope you believe that you can still make a beautiful life for yourself, even if you lost many years to grief, or darkness or a wound that wouldn’t close."


The Colour Mirrors bottles and essences

various colour mirrors bottles

The intention of every bottle and essence is for healing and peace, and you get to choose the one that creates that feeling in you.

Your cells receive a power-packed dose of LOVE because each bottle brings together the earth energies of flowers, crystals, essential oils and purified water, infused with conscious healing intention and the ancient Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness, the Ho’oponopono.

These colour oils and essences are highly energised. You can apply them to your skin, and smell the wonderful scents, however it’s the conversations around them that causes the shift in your body as well as your mind.

nicky set up with tables of colour bottles

As you work with these potent colour energies you’ll discover that colour frees your distorted and unhelpful thinking, and disharmony returns to ease. Your cells get the message to shed your old programming, like a snake sheds its skin, and allow new, more relevant information to take its place.

Colour speaks to the whole of you and you can experience a deep sense of coming home.

"Standing at the edge of a new chapter can be scary. The desire to run back into the pages you know so well is more than tempting. But you must keep moving. Chapters end, even the good ones. And if you linger in the past too long, your story cannot unfold the way it should. And you might just miss the most beautiful moments of your life, whilst grieving the ones gone by. It’s scary at the edge my friend, I know. But just jump. You have so much ahead. And the good stuff behind, will always be there."

Donna Ashworth, ‘Wild Hope’

You can enjoy colour therapy with Nicky in a variety of ways

Choose from an introduction to colour therapy or you can opt for a series of 121 online sessions.

blue and lilac colour bottles with heart

One Hour Colour Reading

different colour liquid bottles

Colour Therapy Packages

circle colour bottles with healing stone

Deep Colour Healing Journey

autumn colour mirror bottles

Spirit of the Season workshops

How to start your colour journey

Start with a one hour colour therapy reading
or we can discuss a package of in-depth ongoing sessions

Step 1

Let’s chat

Step 2

Choose your colour therapy package

Step 3

Raise your frequency with colour

Raise your vibe with colour

blue colour mirrors bottles close up

Tap into the healing power of colour, by signing up for my newsletter, which arrives every 4 to 6 weeks, with the occasional update in-between.

You’ll get insights on the uplifting energies of colour, together with a dash of astrology and numerology, to help raise your frequency and vibration, especially when coping with loss, sorrow and ongoing grief.

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